I’m on Month 6, nearing Month 7 of my UX job hunt.
Last year in 2018 I decided to do a career switch, out of a stable, decent-paying career I was well-established and successful in… into UX. Which apparently is a career that everyone and their moms are switching into these days. Of course, I didn’t know that then.
Before I made the leap, here’s what I envisioned – get some education, formal training if needed, then job hunt for probably 3 (and heaven forbid – up to 6 months(!!!)), then work for 1-3 years to get awesome at UX and figure out if it’s my jam.
Well – it turns out this journey is way tougher than I anticipated.
I don’t know where this will lead. I might go back to my old career (teaching). But regardless of what happens, I decided I want to document it.